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Western culture's impact hasn't even left the toilet. The majority of Indian homes these days have western closets. One of the practices that had been under the influence of the west is to use a western commode, which has a number of disadvantages. Although western toilets appear to be more comfortable than Indian toilets, there are new findings and studies that demonstrate why Indian toilets are superior.
Indian toilet Pan needs no introduction, as it is easily one of the most popular in the Indian market, even after a surge of western closets and toilets. The market of Indian Toilet Pan though seemingly affected by the use of western closets are also adopting their own measures to improve. The technological advancement and other added offerings and in fact have been a game-changer for them and they have been able to modify their own designs to make them more suitable for modern times.
These Pans have been developed with best-in-class ceramics and technology that makes them at par with western closet solutions. And the practical and scientific edge also has made them retain their popularity as one of the desired additions in modern bathrooms.
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